
March 22nd, 2025: We have a new paper out at the Journal of Medical Imaging. Led by Haoqi Wang, this paper is a perceptual map of breast reconstruction appearance outcomes and serves as a tool to help breast cancer patients visually express what they expect to look like after reconstruction. It was a large collaboration between UT Austin Departments of Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Educational Psychology. It also included MD Anderson Cancer Center‘s Departments of Plastic Surgery, and Imaging Physics. You can read it here:

March 16th, 2025: Dr. Giovanna Del Sordo has officially joined our lab as a post-doctoral researcher (to be co-supervised by myself and Dr. Megan Papesh, of UMass Lowell). She is interested in studying sustained attention and the role of the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system in attentional performance, using pupillometry. Additionally, she will work on projects involving simulated medical image perception, virtual reality, similarity, and much more. Additionally (again!) she has been selected as one of the new organizers for the Object Perception, Attention, and Memory conference. Welcome and congrats, Gio!

March 15th, 2025: Eben Daggett and I have a really nice new tutorial review paper out at Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics. It is an overview of similarity data collection methods with relative pros/cons and some other guidance from our experience and the literature. Additionally, Eben wrote a nice summary of why this work matters in the AI / medical tech / human alignment spaces that you can read on LinkedIn: here. Read the paper:

March 1st, 2025: I’m editing a collection at Nature’s Scientific Reports (with Lofti Merabet of Harvard Medical School, and Samuel Vine of University of Exeter) on eye-tracking in virtual reality. If you are interested in submitting, you can find the QR code and link to the right. Deadline in November. Please share widely!

January 10th, 2025: The newest member of our lab is Mayte Alonso. Mayte is a Discovery Scholar working on a project using pupillometry to study the distribution of attention. She is also Student Governor of the SPARK Society, and plans to attend graduate school in the near future. She has been a member of our lab group for a while now, but is stepping up to run her own projects. Good luck, Mayte!

November 29th, 2024: Our most recent Frontiers for Young Minds paper is headed by Manali Pathare. It discusses how eye-tracking can be used to explore cultural effects in theory of mind. Check it out, here:

November 29th, 2024: Our new database has been released in Sage Open. This one is a(nother) collaboration with Bryan White (from our lab), Anita Hernandez and Jose Montelongo (of the TPAL Program in NMSU’s HEST College), and Francisco Serrano-Wall of Texas A&M. Here, we document orthographic transparency ratings for the set of English/Spanish cognates taken from the Paivio et al. imagery norms. You can download the paper, here:

November 14th, 2024: NMSU News has run a story discussing the relaunch and expansion of the Discovery Scholars Program. This program is designed to foster research and creative arts projects conducted by undergraduates (from the College of Arts and Sciences, or the College of Health, Education, and Social Transformation) under the supervision of faculty mentors. Read all about it, here:

November 9th, 2024: Bryan White has a first-author paper out now (with Eben Daggett and myself) in Frontiers in Psychology. This is a data report derived from his dissertation work (he’s on the job market, by the way!) that provides basic-category level similarity ratings for each of the natural rock groups from the Nosofsky et al. set of stimuli. You can find the paper, here: And you can find the full set of data, hosted on OSF, here:

November 6th, 2024: Lots of new work being sent to Psychonomics 2024 this year. Ashley Mathis will present a poster on her master’s thesis work. I will present our new threat stimuli database (in collaboration with Botond Kiss, Julia Basler, Otilia Csonka, Bahtiyar Yildiz, and Andras Zsido of University of Pecs, and Bryan White and Eben Daggett from our lab). And Dawn Weatherford (of Texas A&M San Antonio) will present our similarity data for the new FACETS database (in collaboration with Roman Pardo and Nathan Wieters of Dawn’s lab, and Eben Daggett and Bryan White of ours). Come check out our posters and chat about our new work!

November 6th, 2024: We have a couple great posters going to OPAM 32 in New York in November. Ashley Mathis will be presenting our NM-INBRE funded medical image perception work (in collaboration with Megan Papesh of UMass Lowell, as well as with Gio Del Sordo, Bryan White, and Rebecca Penn from our group). And Paean Luby (of University of Richmond) will be presenting our VS search and rescue research (in collaboration with Arryn Robbins from Richmond, and Ashley Mathis, Bryan White, and Rebecca Penn from our group). Come check out our new work!

November 5th, 2024: Next week, I’ll be (virtually) joining the University of Nebraska to present a lecture on our use-inspired research approaches to medical image perception. This is NM-INBRE funded work and currently involves Megan Papesh (of UMass Lowell), Giovanna Del Sordo, Ashley Mathis, and Bryan White.

November 4th, 2024: We are looking for a highly motivated, organized, and knowledgeable post-doctoral researcher to join the Vision Sciences and Memory laboratory. The position will involve working in a highly productive and collaborative environment in which ongoing data collection, manuscript preparation, and grant proposal development are paramount. The selected researcher will have opportunities to work in visual search/attention, eye movement control, similarity, and virtual reality on both basic (theoretical) and use-inspired basic research projects. NMSU is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Apply here:

November 2nd, 2024: I have been invited to join the Psychology section of the Editorial Board for Nature‘s Scientific Reports journal. I now sit as an Associate Editor at Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, as well as an Editorial Board member at PeerJ and Scientific Reports.

November 1st, 2024: The Discovery Scholars Program is relaunching and expanding. Formerly housed just within Arts and Sciences, it is now expanding to the College of HEST. Please visit our new site to learn more about the program — which aims to nurture undergraduate discovery by enabling students to complete research under the guidance of faculty mentors and through encouraging them to continue their education in graduate or professional school — and to apply. Applications for the Spring cohort are open now! Visit

October 31st, 2024: In perhaps our most wonderfully nerdy achievement to date, Arryn Robbins (the first PhD student from our lab and currently an Assistant Prof at the University of Richmond) and I have been featured on NPR‘s Life Kit podcast. In this episode, we discuss visual search and strategies for finding lost items (or people). We also discuss findings from Rebecca Penn‘s (current PhD student in our lab) master’s thesis on search and rescue behavior. Check out the episode and a transcript:

October 18th, 2024: Dawn Weatherford is currently attending the ARMADILLO Southwest Cognition conference in College Station (hosted by Texas A&M University), and is presenting a talk on our big team effort to create the FACETS Database. This is a huge set of facial stimuli, with multiple pictures of each individual, varied emotions, poses, and settings. All of the faces have been subjected to similarity rating and multidimensional scaling modeling. The work was conducted with Dawn’s group at Texas A&M San Antonio (Nathan Wieters, Roman Pardo, and Arleth Morquecho), and Bryan White and Eben Daggett from our lab here at NMSU.

October 18th, 2024: We have a new article out in Frontiers for Young Minds. Cassie Oberhauser leads this article on single-cell recording, and what it can tell us about neuronal activity. Read it, here:

September 22nd, 2024: Haoqi Wang has recently presented our poster at the 2024 AI in Health conference in Houston. This was a big collaboration, also including Xiomara Gonzalez, Gabriela Renta Lopez, Sara Hull, Mary Catherine Bordes, myself, Seung Choi, Mia Markey and Greg Reece. Departments include UT Austin Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Educational Psychology. Also MD Anderson Cancer Center Plastic Surgery, and Imaging Physics. And New Mexico State University Psychology.

September 20th, 2024: Today was a fantastic symposium put on by the NMSU Postdoc Association. I was a featured speaker, and discussed National Science Foundation grant writing and other opportunities.

August 25th, 2024: I am beyond thrilled to announce that the National Science Foundation (specifically the Perception, Action, and Cognition program) has decided to fund our most recent proposal. This work included three co-PIs (myself, Carly Leonard of CU Denver, and Andy Leber of Ohio State), but the lion’s share of the work was carried out by the organizers of the Object Perception, Attention, and Memory conference. These include Han Zhang (post-doc at Michigan), Ryan O’Donnell (post-doc at Drexel), and Karolina J. Krzyś (graduate student finishing up at Queen’s University). The project increases financial support available for conference presenters, particularly those from historically underrepresented groups. Principal Investigators and conference organizers will engage in a series of outreach efforts to connect with populations historically underrepresented at OPAM and in the cognitive sciences more broadly. A new keynote speaker format has been adopted in which the speaker shares experiences from their early-career stage that will inspire and guide other early-career researchers. A “Lunch with an Expert” event allows attendees to learn about scientific topics and receive career guidance from established experts in a friendly setting. And outside of the conference itself, OPAM will host online workshops throughout the year, focusing on topics critical to the professional development and technical skill-building of early-career researchers. We are immensely grateful for NSF’s support and cannot wait to expand the impact of OPAM.

August 10th, 2024: Last week, I gave a presentation at the 2024 New Mexico INBRE (Idea Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence) symposium held in Las Cruces. I discussed our work on the development of novel stimuli and bespoke experimental paradigms for studying medical image perception.

August 10th, 2024: We have a new kid-friendly science communication article out in Frontiers for Young Minds. This one is by Shelby O’Leary and myself and it discusses schizophrenia and eye movement behaviors. Check it out, here:

June 26th, 2024: I’m very happy to finally announce that (as of July 1st), I will be starting a new role as the Associate Dean for Research in the NMSU College of Health, Education, and Social Transformation (HEST). I’m excited to start this position and help grow and support the excellent research going on in the HEST College.

June 26th, 2024: We have another kid-friendly science communication article out in Frontiers for Young Minds. Jennifer Martinez heads this article on the use of eye-tracking to explore cognitive demands during reading. Check it out here:

June 14th, 2024: Juan Guevara Pinto (of Rollins College) and I have just published a chapter in a new text (edited by Megan Papesh and Steve Goldinger). Our chapter is a good introduction for those interested in using pupil dilation to study how people in mundane and serious (e.g., radiological) settings find what they are looking for. Check it out, and pick up a copy of Megan and Steve’s book while you’re at it!

May 29th, 2024: In collaboration with an international team (comprising researchers in the US, Hungary, Portugal, and the Czech Republic), we’ve just put out a collection of articles at Frontiers in Psychology. Together, we put out a call and accepted 10 papers that contribute to our understanding of threat processing and perception. This was led by Andras Zsido (University of Pecs), myself, David March (Florida State University), Carlos Coelho (University of the Azores), and Jakub Polak (Charles University). You can read our lead-in editorial here: and view the full collection here:

May 18th, 2024: Three of our students have moved on from the lab, following their Spring 2024 graduation. Discovery Scholars Emily Stutesman, Janelle Hernandez, and Marko Hernandez have graduated and we’ll miss them very much. Emily will be applying to Physician Assistant schools soon, Marko is headed for a graduate program in cognition at Sam Houston State, and Janelle is considering graduate programs in counseling psych. Joining us (or moving up to bigger roles) are three new students. Virginia Millsap (left) is a current research assistant who will be undertaking an Honors College thesis project on threat perception. Aftab Ahmed (middle) will be joining us from St. John’s College as a NM-INBRE Summer Experience student working on medical image perception. And Eli Lara (not pictured) is a current research assistant who will be joining the Discovery Scholars Program to work on a project at the intersection of similarity perception and artificial intelligence. Welcome, Virginia, Aftab, and Eli!

May 7th, 2024: We’ve put out a new article in American Psychologist. David Trafimow led this paper (with me and Andrew Conway) on the extent to which narrow populations are scientifically problematic in Psychological Sciences. Check out the paper, here:

May 5th, 2024: The past two weeks have involved first year project presentations from two members of our lab. Ashley Mathis presented her work on aphantasia, and the degree to which individual differences in visual imagery impact visual search performance. And then Aiden Schabacker presented their work on visual memory, which will begin with the creation of a new database of images (and similarity ratings) and normed data for category names for these stimuli. Stayed tuned for more great things out of our group!

April 14th, 2024: We have just published a new paper in Teaching of Psychology. Laura Madson leads this article (with myself and Giovanna Del Sordo) showing that students in team-based learning courses report heightened belongingness relative to students in traditional ones. Check out the full article, here:

April 9th, 2024: Our lab has another SciComm article out in Frontiers for Young Minds. Eben Daggett fronts this article on the importance of the concept of similarity in cognitive science, and methods for quantifying/modeling it. Check it out, here:

March 20th, 2024: We’ve put out a new SciComm article in Frontiers for Young Minds. This one is myself and Daniel Berger, discussing how transcranial magnetic stimulation can be used to modify brain activity for research and therapeutic purposes. Check it out, here:

March 12th, 2024: A new paper of ours is out (in Scientific Reports), and it represents a large, international collaboration between our lab and labs in Hungary, the Czech Republic, and the UK. Andras Zsido leads this paper on threat perception and prevalence effects where we question much of the work that has been done in this area in recent years. Andras is joined by myself, Marko Hernandez (a Discovery Scholar student from our lab who now has his first publication!), Bryan White, Jakub Polak (of Ambis University), Botond Kiss (of University of Pecs), and Hayward Godwin (of University of Southampton). Check out the paper, here:

March 2nd, 2024: If you are in the Albuquerque area on 4/1, please drop by the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center for Brain Recovery and Repair. I’ll be speaking there about our NM-INBRE funded research on medical image perception.

March 2nd, 2024: Hop on Zoom or better yet, come visit the Las Cruces Museum of Nature and Science on 3/19 to take part in “Science Cafe” discussions with me, where the topic will be all things visual cognition!

January 24th, 2024: Andras Zsido’s group (out of University of Pecs, in Hungary) and I have a new paper in Acta Psychologica. This one is led by Diana Stecina, and also includes Cintia Bali. In it, we start breaking down the saliency of threats into shape and valence. Check it out here:

December 20th, 2023: Our newest paper is out in PLoS One. In this one, Hayward Godwin (of the University of Southampton) and I look at “information stagnation,” and the implications of giving participants an uncertainty response option during search tasks wherein stimuli may be ambiguous, and therefore search may not be clearly resolved. Check it out here:

  • September 8th, 2023: This week, I got to spend time up on the campus of the University of New Mexico, doing graduate recruiting (for our Department, College, and the Graduate School) at the McNair Conference. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet some gifted young students, hopefully some of whom will join us in Las Cruces next year.
  • August 28th, 2023: Happy to announce that our lab is returning to the Object Perception, Attention, and Memory meeting this year, and that we have a trio of excellent posters to be presented. Bryan White (in collaboration with Eben Daggett and myself) will present part of his dissertation work, creating a similarity database for 30 natural (rock) categories. And two of our undergraduate Discovery Scholars will be presenting the results of our NM-INBRE funded medical image perception research. Emily Stutesman will lead the first poster, on the training sessions of this experiment. And Janelle Hernandez will lead the second poster, focused on the retention and transfer session results. This work is also co-authored by Megan Papesh (of UMass Lowell) and Rebecca Penn. Stop by and see these excellent student presentations!
  • July 5th, 2023: Fantastic news to share… last week, Eben Daggett passed his master’s thesis defense! Eben created a model of multiple attentional phenomena, such as the attentional blink, and conducted a pair of experiments to validate novel theoretical predictions that fell out of his model. This work is ongoing, but for now, we’re thrilled that Eben has this milestone behind him. Congrats, Master Daggett.
  • July 5th, 2023: The newest edition to our lab is Discovery Scholar, Crystal Parra. Crystal has been working in the lab on our NM-INBRE funded research, and is going to start a Discovery Scholars project with myself and Eben Daggett looking at creating large-scale similarity models that can be used to custom tailor perceptual training for anomaly search tasks like radiology. Welcome to the group, Crystal!
Michael Hout, Outstanding Workshop Award. (NMSU photo Josh Bachman)
  • May 9th, 2023: Meet our newest graduate students, joining us in the fall. Ashley Mathis (left) is coming to us from University of Arkansas (at Little Rock) and plans to study things like attention, perception, and memory. Sydney Schabacker (right) is joining us from California State University (San Marcos) and will be studying categorization, categorical visual search, and object memory. Welcome to the lab, Ashley and Sydney!
  • May 4th, 2023: We have yet another person joining our lab. Ms. Paean Luby will be joining us as a visiting researcher and computer programmer starting in the summer of 2023. Paean comes to us from the University of Richmond, where she works in the lab of Dr. Arryn Robbins (the first PhD student to graduate from this lab!). Paean (and Arryn) will be helping to bring to life a variety of projects we’re planning to do in virtual reality. Welcome to the group, Paean!
  • April 24th, 2023: Our newest addition to the lab is Janelle Hernandez. Janelle has been a research assistant in our lab this semester, but has decided to upgrade and become a Discovery Scholar. In her project, she’ll be helping to run our NM-INBRE funded research on medical image perception, and will be working closely with another DSP student, Emily Stutesman, on this work. The pair hope to present some of our results at upcoming conferences in the fall. Welcome, Janelle!
  • April 19th, 2023: I’m very pleased to announce that my promotion to the rank of Professor has just been approved!
  • January 10th, 2023: Emily Stutesman, a veteran member of our lab, has just joined us as a Discovery Scholar. She is going to be working on research in medical image perception; specifically, strategy training and perceptual learning paradigms to help improve anomaly detection. Welcome, Emily!
  • November 5th, 2022: Next week (11/10/22) I’ll be giving an invited lecture to the Northern New Mexico College Biomedical Seminar Series. I’ll be discussing our recent work on attentional control strategies and perceptual learning approaches to improving medical image perception.
  • November 2nd and 4th, 2022: This week, I presented an information session and workshop at the NMSU Teaching Academy geared towards making the National Science Foundation a bit less intimidating and obscure to newcomers. My plan is to do an even more detailed workshop in the Spring of 2023. Stay tuned.
  • October 20th, 2022: This week, our lab participated in the 2022 NMSU “Research and Creativity Open House.” Special thanks to Bryan and Eben for helping us show some really talented and ambitious undergraduates (from the Honors College) what goes on in our lab, and how to get involved in Psychological Science research!
  • October 18th, 2022: Marko Hernandez has just joined our lab as the newest Discovery Scholar. He is going to be working on projects related to threat perception and conditions of low-prevalence. Welcome, Marko!
  • August 4th, 2022: I’m very proud to announce that — now that my rotation at the National Science Foundation is over — I’ve been asked to rejoin the editorial board at AP&P. I’ve started a new rotation at the journal, so send us your best work, fellow scientists!
  • July 26, 2022: I recently traveled to Santa Fe, NM to attend the NM-INBRE (Ideas Network of Biomedical Research Excellent) conference where I presented our work on simulated medical image perception.
  • March 30th, 2022: Our newest database, “The Oddity Detection in Diverse Scenes (ODDS) Database” has just been published at Behavior Research Methods. This work is a rated and validated database of real-world scenes, each of which has been modified multiple times to contain an anomaly (i.e., a blurred/rippled portion of the scene). The database contains hundreds of scenes (and more than 4,000 scene variants!) that should be of use to researchers interested in medical image perception or camouflage detection. We’re thrilled to see this in print at such an excellent journal. Congrats to our many collaborators on this project: Megan Papesh, Saleem Masadeh, Hailey Sandin, Stephen Walenchok, Phil Post, Jessica Madrid, Bryan White, Juan Guevara Pinto, Julian Welsh, Becca Skulsky, and Mariana Cazares Rodriguez. Thanks as well to Electronic Caregiver and the NM-INBRE program for funding this work.
  • November 3rd, 2021: Tomorrow, I will present a poster of our newest database at the 2021 Psychonomics Society meeting. This work is a rated and validated database of real-world scenes, each of which has been modified multiple times to contain an anomaly (i.e., a blurred/rippled portion of the scene). The database contains hundreds of scenes (and more than 4,000 scene variants!) that should be of use to researchers interested in medical image perception or camouflage detection. Come see what we’ve been up to! Thanks to my many collaborators on this project: Saleem Masadeh, Hailey Sandin, Megan Papesh, Phil Post, Jessica Madrid, Bryan White, Juan Guevara Pinto, Julian Welsh, Becca Skulsky, and Mariana Cazares Rodriguez. Thanks as well to Electronic Caregiver and the NM-INBRE program for funding this work.
  • November 3rd, 2021: Today I’ll be joining a career panel for the Object Perception, Attention, and Memory conference. It’ll be nice to chat with the OPAM community about careers in academia and the federal government, and I’m excited to be returning to the meeting again after having been a co-organizer way back in 2013 and 2014.
  • September 7th, 2021: Today, Hayward Godwin presented our overview talk “Human Visual Cognition and Decision Making” to the VizTIG 2021 Symposium at the Alan Turing Institute (virtually).
  • August 22nd, 2021: This past weekend I volunteered for the National Science Foundation‘s “Ask a Scientist” booth at the Washington DC Awesome-Con. Had a great time answering questions from curious people and trying to get some kids interested in cognition and the brain!
  • August 17th, 2021: Bryan White has just successfully passed his comprehensive exams. Congrats, Bryan!
  • July 7th, 2021: Becca Skulsky completed her master’s thesis today, having presented her work on templates for rejection with complex visual objects. She’s now about to begin a job in industry back on the east coast. Congrats, Becca!
  • June 25th, 2021: I’m happy to announce that we officially have two new people joining our lab. Dr. Megan Papesh — my long time collaborator and friend — is joining the lab as a co-Director to help oversee all of our research and mentorship. And Eben Daggett will be joining our lab as a graduate student working on computational models of attention, search, and eye movements. Welcome, Megan and Eben!
  • May 20th, 2021: Today I had the great pleasure of speaking with the psychology and neuroscience folks at University of California, Davis. I gave a talk on the use of multi-dimensional scaling to model similarity in empirical studies. Not as much fun as traveling to California and speaking with folks in person, I admit. But it was still a very good experience with an even better audience of grads and faculty.
  • December 21st, 2020: Our new poster for the Experimental Psychology Society meeting (in London, UK) is now ready for virtual presentation. Andras Zsidó presents our poster — “The effects of task-irrelevant threatening stimuli on orienting- and executive attentional processes under cognitive load” — in collaboration with Diana Stecina, Rebecca Cseh, and myself. Check it out, below!
  • October 29th, 2020: Jessica Madrid has just completed her poster for the virtual Psychonomics conference this year on our work in multi-modal search for Lego (in collaboration with Bryan White, Collin Scarince, and Hayward Godwin). Because this year is an entirely virtual conference, Jessica has created a short video walk through of our work, which you can view below.
  • June 2nd, 2020: Now that it’s 100% official, I’m happy to announce that I’m headed to work at the National Science Foundation starting next Monday. I’ll be a Program Director in the Perception, Action, and Cognition Program of the Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences. I’m certainly sad to be leaving the NM/Texas area for a while, but will still be maintaining my labs and mentorship (albeit remotely) for the 2 years I’m at the NSF in the DC area (after which I will return to NMSU full time). I’m incredibly excited and a little nervous to get started, but it should be an awesome opportunity. I had planned at this point to post a “here we come DC” post, but due to covid, I’ll be working remotely from El Paso for at least a couple months (until the NSF building opens back up). So for now, you’re stuck with me, El Paso.
  • May 11th, 2020: We (myself and Dr. Phil Post) have just been awarded a Developmental Research Project Program grant from the New Mexico IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence. Our project is entitled “Strategy training in search: Evidence from eye movements and virtual reality.” We are thrilled to put this money to use to fund research in the Addison Care Virtual and Augmented Reality Laboratory (which we both co-direct). In the project, we’ll explore cognitive strategy use in a longitudinal study focused on simulated radiological screening and simulated search and rescue. We’re thrilled to get to work, and are extremely grateful to NM-INBRE for this opportunity!
  • April 20th, 2020: Edin Sabic successfully defended his PhD today, and became the third doctoral graduate from our lab. His work was titled “Eye movements and machine learning: Predicting user search templates.” While it was not ideal to have a defense done over Zoom, he nonetheless did a great job, and passed with flying colors!
  • January 25th, 2020: Today, our VR lab (the Addison Care Virtual and Augmented Reality Laboratory) did some community outreach with Ciudad Nueva, from El Paso. A wonderful group of young persons joined us to learn about virtual and augmented reality, to chat with us, and to try out the equipment. We had a great time and hope they come back and visit us again soon!
  • January 15th, 2020: Congratulations to Rebecca Penn! Today she defended the massive undertaking that was her master’s thesis on visual search in the real world (specifically, in settings designed to mimic “clue finding” tasks undertaken by search and rescue responders). Well done, Master Rebecca.
  • December 19th, 2019: We have a pair of new Discovery Scholars Program recruits that have recently joined the lab. Mariana Cazares Rodriguez will be working on creating an open access database of real world visual search scenarios. And Jonathan Ayavar is working on some virtual reality search and rescue programming. Welcome, both!
  • December 18th, 2019: We just had a new paper come out in the Journal of Sports Sciences. This one (headed by Chris Aiken, and including Phil Post, myself, and Jeff Fairbrother) investigates self-controlled practice in a motor learning task. Find it here:
  • December 18th, 2019: Recently, our newest paper came out in Behavior Research Methods. This paper (headed by Justin MacDonald, and including myself and Joseph Schmidt) is an algorithm used to deal with incomplete block designs in psychology and elsewhere. It is particularly useful for those of you who want to use the spatial arrangement method of collecting similarity data on large stimulus sets. Check it out, here:
  • November 11th, 2019: Part of Arryn Robbins‘ dissertation work was just published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Our new paper, “Scene priming provides clues about target appearance that improve attentional guidance during categorical search” can be found here: Congrats, Arryn!
  • September 3rd, 2019: We just had a pair of posters accepted for this year’s Object Perception, Attention, and Memory conference in Montreal, Canada. First, we have Jessica Madrid out front on our poster called “Open the window: Passive search strategies lead to broader attentional distribution during single target and hybrid visual search.” Second, Bryan White will present a poster (in collaboration with Hayward Godwin, Jessica Madrid, Collin Scarince, and myself) called “Every search is awesome!: A pilot study using Lego to examine three-dimensional visual search.” Congrats, Jessica and Bryan!
  • July 25th, 2019: Just got one more poster accepted to the 60th Annual Psychonomics Society meeting in Montreal. Juan Guevara-Pinto will present our poster (in collaboration with Megan Papesh and myself) called “The details are in the difficulty: Incidental recognition of objects’ perceptual details following visual search.” Congrats, Megan and Juan!
  • July 24th, 2019: We’ve just had a pair of posters accepted to the 60th Annual Psychonomics Society meeting this November in Montreal, Canada. Both projects are in collaboration with Russell Richie and Sudeep Bhatia of the University of Pennyslvania and Bryan White (in my lab). Russell will present our poster titled “Modeling fine-grained word similarity with embeddings from language corpora, free association, and feature norms” and I’ll present a poster called “The spatial arrangement method of collecting similarity ratings can capture higher dimensional, conceptual similarity structures.” Congratulations, guys!
  • July 17th, 2019: Last week, I gave a pair of talks in Australia, at Macquarie University and the University of Wollongong. I gave talked titled, “The detail is in the difficulty: Challenging search facilitates incidental encoding of objects’ perceptual details” in collaboration with my co-authors, Juan Guevara-Pinto and Megan Papesh. I had a great time visiting these amazing universities, and can’t wait for the opportunity to visit again!
  • July 8th, 2019: Next week, Hayward Godwin will be presenting some new research we’ve done on the “abacus task” and people’s insight into their own eye movement behavior. He’ll be presenting a talk (co-authored by Andreea Butnaru and myself) at the Experimental Psychology Society meeting in Bournemouth (UK), titled “Using the abacus task to study overestimation of accuracy in eye movements.”
  • July 2nd, 2019: Our newest article is out in Frontiers for Young Minds. This one is written by Arryn Robbins and I on the topic of the involvement of the brain during visual search. You can read it online, here:
  • May 15th, 2019: We have a new article out now in Frontiers for Young Minds on the use of transcranial direct current stimulation. This one is headed by Mary Berg and Audrey Morrow, and is titled “Wake up, Brain!: Using electricity to think and feel differently.” You can read it online, here:
  • April 24th, 2019: Last week, I gave an invited lecture (at the invitation of the Centre for Vision and Cognition) at the University of Southampton (in England). I was quite excited to go back to Southampton, and to give a talk on our recent work in hybrid visual memory search and eye movements called “Examining passive and active search strategies during hybrid visual memory search: Evidence from eye movements. Thanks to my collaborator, Jessica Madrid, whose thesis work formed the basis of this talk!
  • February 19th, 2019: I’ve just been selected as the NMSU College of Arts and Sciences “Department Star for the Psychology Department. I’m very honored to receive this recognition, and look forward to the reception event on April 5th!
  • February 18th, 2019: A pair of Discovery Scholars students just joined our team. Hop on over to the homepage to learn more about Victoria Arvizu and Rene Mcpherson!
  • February 18th, 2019: We’ve just had a talk accepted to this year’s Midwestern Psychological Association conference in Chicago. Arryn Robbins will present our paper, titled “Scene context facilitates search for heterogeneous categories.”  Congrats, Arryn!
  • February 13th, 2019: We’ve just had a poster accepted to this year’s Association for Psychological Science meeting in Washington DC (in May). Arryn Robbins will present a poster on our upcoming database, “The Pictures by Category and Similarity (PICS) Database: A database of 1200 pictures from 20 object categories rated for similarity using multidimensional scaling.” Congrats to co-authors, Justin MacDonald, Ashley ErcolinoJoe Schmidt, and Edin Sabic!
  • February 11th, 2019: Our newest Discovery Scholar to join the lab is Sydney Luna, who will also be contributing to our search and rescue “clue finding” projects. Check out the homepage for more info on Sydney!
  • February 6th, 2019: We have yet another Discovery Scholar joining the lab. Christine Dellefield-Lopez will be joining us to work on some research pertaining to search and rescue “clue finding.” Check out the homepage for info on Christine!
  • February 6th, 2019: We have another person joining our team. Kitt Phi will be joining the lab, both as a Discovery Scholars researcher and as a paid work-study programmer for our work in the upcoming Addison Care Virtual and Augmented Reality Laboratory (for which Phil Post and I are co-directors). Hop over to the homepage to learn more about Kitt!
  • February 6th, 2019: Congrats to Alexis Torres for publishing her first ever article in Frontiers for Young Minds, entitled “Pupils: A window into the mind.” You can access the article here:
  • November 5th, 2018: Congratulations to Jessica Madrid for successfully passing her comprehensive exams! Now on to the PhD.
  • October 30th, 2018: Audrey Morrow traveled to Albuquerque, NM to present our research at the New Mexico Academy of Science Research Symposium. She presented our poster, entitled, “The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on audition”. Our collaborators for this project were Amie Amiotte and Justin MacDonald.
  • October 16th, 2018: Congratulations to Edin Sabic for passing his comprehensive exams! Next up, dissertation.
  • September 20th, 2018: We’ve just gotten word that our posters were accepted to the 2018 Object Perception, Attention, and Memory conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.  This is particularly exciting because our posters span both graduate (Jessica Madrid, Rebecca Penn, and Bryan White) and undergraduate (Alexis Torres) members of our lab.  Jessica will present a poster entitled “It’s all a blur: Partial visual information triggers logarithmic decision making during object recognition.”  Rebecca will present a poster called “Getting a clue: Visual search in open terrain environments.”  Congrats, all!
  • July 20th, 2018: We’ve just had a pair of posters accepted to the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in New Orleans.  Jessica Madrid will present our work on strategy use during search in a poster titled “Looking for the one: Passive strategies improve guidance and object recognition in single-target search.”  And Collin Scarince will present our modelling work in a poster titled “An update to the Guided Search model using multi-dimensional scaling to capture the features of complex, real-world objects.”  Congrats, all!
  • July 9th, 2018: I’m thrilled to announce that we have a second PhD student to graduate from our lab this year: Dr. Collin Scarince.  Collin successfully defended his dissertation today, titled, “Generalized Guided Search: A computational model of visual search powered by multidimensional scaling.”  We’re proud of Collin, and excited for what’s next in his career.
  • June 14th, 2018: I’m very pleased to announce that the first PhD student to graduate from our lab, Dr. Arryn Robbins, will soon be a post-doctoral researcher.  She has accepted a position at Carthage College, working with Dr. Anthony Barnhart and Dr. Leslie Cameron.  I’m thrilled that she’s on her way to such a great position, and am confident she’ll do great things at Carthage.
  • May 24th: 2018: I’ve been invited to be a funded presenter at the 4th Symposium on Visual Search and Selective Attention in Munich, Germany (  This is a very prestigious honor for me, as I’ll be speaking alongside an incredibly well-respected and impressive group of academics who all share my research interests.  In July, I’ll present the work Jessica Madrid and I have been working on, titled “Passive search strategies improve attentional guidance and object recognition during demanding visual search.”  I can’t wait.
  • May 24th, 2018: I’ve recently been invited (by the Environmental Neuroscience Laboratory: to speak at the University of Chicago.  I’m very excited to travel to Chicago to speak with this excellent group of academics about our recent work on strategy use in visual search.
  • April 26th, 2018: I just received my official letter stating that I’ve been granted promotion and tenure.  As of August 2018, I will be a tenured Associate Professor.  I’m very excited to have this milestone behind me, and appreciate all the support I’ve had at NMSU to get me here.
  • April 23rd, 2018: This Friday (4/27/2018), Emily Green (an honors thesis student working in our lab) will present our research incidental memory work at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Arts Symposium (URCAS) here on campus.  If you’re around on Friday, swing by and see her present!  The title of the poster is “Challenging visual search creates better incidental memories for objects and their perceptual features.”  Good luck, Emily!
  • April 5th, 2018: I’m very pleased to announce that the first PhD to come out of our lab is the wonderful Dr. Arryn Robbins.  Arryn successfully defended her dissertation, “The role of context and exemplar variability in shaping the categorical search template.”  We’re all quite proud of her, but will be sad to see her go!
  • March 20th, 2018: I’ve just gotten word that I will be a panelist at the 2018 NMSU Assessment Conference (Writing to Think).  I will be part of a presentation titled, “Writing to learn? It’s not just for writing courses!”  Come check out the conference, and learn about ways to improve the writing components of your courses. 
  • March 13th, 2018: We’ve just had a new paper accepted to the open access journal Sage Open.  Our paper is titled “Simulating the fidelity of data for large stimulus set sizes and variable dimension estimation in multidimensional scaling.”  Congrats to my co-authors, Corbin Cunningham, Arryn Robbins, and Justin MacDonald!
  • February 13th, 2018: At this year’s Rocky Mountain Psychological Association meeting in Denver, CO, we’ll have a trio of talks to present.  In collaboration with Emily Green, Juan Guevara Pinto, and Dr. Megan Papesh, I’ll be giving a talk called “Challenging visual search creates better incidental memories for objects and their features.”  Arryn Robbins will be giving our talk called “Scene context can facilitate search for imprecisely specified targets.”  And John Kulpa will present our talk “Evaluating SpAM and multi-trial spatial arrangement methods of estimating subjective similarity” in collaboration with myself and Dr. Dom Simon.  Congrats, collaborators!
  • February 12th, 2018: This year, we’ll be presenting a poster for the first time at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science.  John Kulpa will be presenting our poster, titled, “Evaluating SpAM and multi-trial spatial arrangement methods of estimating subjective similarity.”  Congrats to John and our co-author, Dr. Dom Simon!
  • February 10th, 2018: We’ve just had a poster accepted to this year’s Vision Sciences Society meeting in Florida.  Arryn Robbins will be presenting our poster, titled “Scene context influences expectations about imprecisely specified search targets.”  Congrats, Arryn!
  • January 8th, 2018: I’m happy to say that I’ve started consulting for Major League Baseball, as part of their Umpire Training Program.  Over the next year, I will consult with the MLB regarding a variety of training programs aimed at increasing the perceptual skills of MLB umpires.
  • December 29th, 2017: I’m very pleased and proud to announce that I’ve been selected by the Association for Psychological Science as a 2017 Rising Star.  This award is for early career scientists, and I’m quite honored to have received it!